The Diagonal Community School Academic Quiz Bowl Team of Carter Lumbard, Garrett Stephens, EJ Allee, Kylie Hubbard, Ashlynn Allee, and Amanda Malone participated in a competition at Southwest Valley School on Monday, February 5, 2024.
There were 11 teams competing in a table format for 15 rounds throughout the day. For each round, the team collaboratively answered 30 questions over various academic categories from art to science in 10 minutes. Our team stayed in the upper third of the teams for most of the day and finished in fourth place with 182 points. Bedford 1 placed third with 209 points and Panorama took second place with 211 points. Southwest Valley took home first place with 220 points . It was a great competition because most teams were close in points throughout the day! I’m so proud of these students for their diligence and perseverance!